Sunday, January 4, 2015

Not the New Year's Resolution your thinking!

This time of year is filled with lots of what?.... RESOLUTIONS!! and guess what approximately only 10% of them last all year. So who's in it with me to increase that statistic because I think we should prove it wrong!! 

Normally I won;t make one because I know I am not a part of that 10%!

So let's take a second to think of all the New Year's Resolutions that people make... Are you thinking?! Good... So what did you come up with? I bet you can't guess mine!! And if you do just pat yourself on the back for me :)

I would bet anything that you instantly thought of, "To loose weight and workout". 

Because that would be my first guess for anyone who would ask me if I knew what theirs was. Though it wouldn't hurt me to shed a few pounds, that's not mine!

Hhhmmm what else?

Quit smoking... nope don't smoke

Make money... nah, I mean I could use a little extra but it doesn't create happiness in my books.
Get a better job... heck nooo!! I LOVE my job. I don't even consider it a job that's how much I love it.
Take a trip... Yeah I'd love to visit New Zealand but that's not happening this year so I checked that off the list

Alright I'll stop listing resolutions and just tell ya mine!

Are you ready for it?!


What a perfect resolution I thought... I mean I have gone to church in the past but it seemed like only in spurts. Go for a couple weeks take a couple months off and then repeat but I want to defeat my goal and do this for myself and become closer to God. 

My grandparents never miss church, unless they are sick, and I idolize that!! They are just the cutest. Sorry I have to share a little dialoge story with you that happened this am between them. (Thank goodness they aren't from the technology age!)

Setting the scene.. We are sitting at the table eating our cereal.

Mommom, "OOOHHH, Harry!! It's communion at church today."

Poppop, "No Beth that's next week."
M, "No it's today!!!!!!"

(When my Grandmother talks she yells, that's why I have a lot of !!!!)

P, "Oh well I guess your right. I get to wear my suite today!"
M, "Oh how I love that bread they give us, but I wish it wasn't such a small piece."
P, "I just wished they'd give the juice with the bread, it makes my mouth so dry."
M, "Oh well"
M, "How much you want to bet they will have us sing 'Three Kings'!!!!"
P, "Yeah there's no doubt!"

Guess what?! We didn't sing 'Three Kings'!! Oh they were too cute you had to be there!

So like I mentioned Communion was today... the first Sunday after New Year's how perfect was that? It was a great service, though we fist bumped, blew kisses, winked, and waved to one another instead of greeting each other with a handshake!! That darn flu bug is all around our area and this was our way of saying "Hi" this morning, It was fairly entertaining because no one knew what the other was going to do!

It may be a Sunday but some farmers (farmers with animals (: ) still have to farm! Well I still have to milk twice a day, 5am and 3:30pm. Just because it's Sunday doesn't mean the cows are off for the day and not milking today so they can attend church too.

I'll let you in on a little something... Most of us farmers no matter the type, follow the Sunday is a Day of Rest rule. It's not really a rule just a way we are all brought about. It's a day for church. to praise God, a day to spend with family, a day to just relax and give back. In this farmhouse we tend to watch a lot of American Pickers, Pawn Stars, Law and Order, and oh yeah every time available for the News, that pretty much ummed up a LAZY day. My church is very small and I am about 99.72% that everyone in our church is or was a farmer. You won't see tractors in the fields (yeah after this down pour last night I would hope not they would be making some big ole ruts!) today!

So, every Sunday unless I'm sick I will be attending church! But don't forget before church, us Dairy Farmers aren't sleeping in we still have to milk the ladies. We milk about 60 cows right now, I feed milk to about 15 heifer calves and 2 bull calves under the age on two months, feed grain and hay to about 27 heifers ranging between the ages of 3 months and 15 months. feed silage to about 15 bred heifers and 8 Dry Cows. (There's that word again, Dry Cow, do you remember what that is... oh I hope so... or I should just delete my blog!!!)

So a heifer is a female cow that has not yet had a calf.

A bred heifer is a pregnant heifer.

Hey those two words may be foreign to you and that is okay!! I know about 8 years ago I would have made a funny face while reading that and I would be scratching my head as I tried to understand! I get it!!

So what's your New Year's Resolution?!?

~The Barn Window


  1. Love this post, Gabby! My resolution is to get more organized... my desk is quite a mess. :-)

  2. This is so cool to have a peek into the life of a farming family.
